Staff Feedback

We would like to take a moment to truly understand how our staff feel about your perception of the progress, operations and status of the organization. We want everyone to feel completely comfortable giving an honest assessment of your perception of how we are doing.

We cannot grow unless we hear the good, the bad and the horrible. So, please feel free to be completely transparent, honest and critical if you feel necessary.

Talk to us about one or several aspects of the company that you perceive that we are doing well in or exceeding your expectations in.
Talk to us about one or several aspects of the company that you perceive that we are doing poorly in or not meeting your expectations for.
Talk to us about, from your perspective, what we should be doing as a company to become more successful in the esports entertainment industry, or simply as a startup company in the technology/entertainment industry. All answers are welcome.
What can we do for you to help equip you to be successful in your role for the organization, or to help you make us more successful, even outside the scope of your role.
This is an open forum for you to share anything else you have to say. Give us your honest feedback, thoughts or anything else on your mind.

We are #TLGStrong

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